Saturday, August 17, 2024

Summary of Master Lama Rasaji’s Taoist Rotation Diet

Subject: Summary of Master Lama Rasaji’s Taoist Rotation Diet

Dear Enthusiast,

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to share with you a summary of Master Lama Rasaji’s Taoist Rotation Diet, which focuses on allowing individuals to eat a variety of foods while ensuring proper digestion, assimilation, and elimination. ? Here are the key points from the document:

  • The diet allows individuals to eat anything they want, emphasizing the importance of giving the body enough time to fully digest each food before consuming it again.
  • Rotation of foods is a central principle, where the time intervals between consuming different food groups vary based on their digestibility. For example, animal protein requires 5-7 days between servings, while watery vegetables and fruits only need 1-2 days. ?
  • In addition to rotating foods, there are four guidelines to support digestion, assimilation, and elimination: gradually shifting to lighter foods, reducing overall food intake, increasing water consumption, and decreasing additives in the diet.
  • The rotation diet table provided in the document outlines the recommended intervals between consuming animal protein, seafood and fish, grains and nuts, root vegetables, and watery vegetables and fruits.
  • The range of days specified in the diet is due to variations in the weight and qualities of different foods within the same category, as well as individual differences in energy levels, metabolism, and digestive efficiency. ?

I hope this summary provides you with a clear understanding of the Taoist Rotation Diet. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or would like more information.

Best regards, Glen Brink