Monday, November 27, 2017

refer your friends by emailing them this unique tracking link
Refer A Friend!
Your Balance: 100,908 POW (Currently worth: 6.09 USD)
Now refer your friends by emailing them this unique tracking link - for each one that joins you will earn 100,906 POW 'lite'.

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Disrupt the $500+ Billion dollar industry by joining us in the next digital Revolution


Since its early inception, social media has quickly gone from a simple novelty used only to keep friends updated and included on our daily lives to becoming a growing source of entertainment, news, and community. And as nearly three billion people now utilize social media in some shape or form, its impact on life cannot be denied. From those nearly billion active users, volumes upon volumes of data are generated, saved, and often sold to the highest bidder. Essentially selling peoples personalities, secrets, and lives to corporations that utilize that information to create targeted ad campaigns. And this happens every moment of every day.
Sphere aims to change that and redefine how social media interacts within our lives.
Gone is the large collection of centralized servers that are vulnerable to hacking, storing troves of sensitive data to be used as companies see fit. In their place, a more transparent, honest, and open blockchain format that allows every user to hold Sphere accountable for data.
Sphere is built upon the main principles of privacy and security as an undeniable right, giving each user unprecedented protection and security and allowing you to connect with everyone you know safely, and most importantly, securely.
More than just a social network
Sphere is so much more than another simple addition into the growing line of social media networks available. It is the beginning of a digital revolution.
Glen Brink,